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Insights - Making sense of BobCoin, Bob Eco and a STO.

In this video CEO and Founder of Bob Eco explains how and why he started Bob Eco.
BoB in A Nutshell.
BoB's mission is to significantly improve air quality. To achieve this, BoB offers financing options for electric motorcycles, to allow youngsters the opportunity to finance them. BoB is a social enterprise that focuses on improving the livelihoods of entire communities and educating them about safety, equality, financial planning and environmental friendliness.
CEO and Founder of Bob Eco.
Bob Ultee is the author and creator of the BoB Eco Programme, the BoB Community, and BoB entrepreneurial courses for independent BoB Boda Businesses. Bob Ultee was a Finalist of the Ernst & Young "Entrepreneur of the Year Election" and first entrepreneur who made a reverse listing on the EURONEXT (Dutch Stock Exchange) in 20 years.
Bob Ultee is the man on the BobCoin.
Bob Eco's founding father Bob Ultee has been featured on the BobCoin since the beginning of 2021. The BobCoin Face entails a picture of CEO and Co-founder BoB Ultee himself smiling.
What is an STO?
STO stands for security token offering. Unlike an ICO, a security token represents an investment into an underlying investment asset, such as Bob Eco Ltd shares.
When you invest in traditional stocks, for example, ownership information is written on a document and issued as a digital certificate (e.g. a PDF). For STOs, it’s the same process, but recorded in a wallet and issued as a token.
STOs can also be seen as a hybrid approach between ICOs and the more traditional initial public offering (IPO) because of its overlap with both of these methods of investment fundraising.
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