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Bobcoin CEO Bob Ultee speaker at Binance BCAT Africa 2022

BCAT which is short for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Awareness Tour is a program, an awareness campaign with the goal of bringing the awareness of the many opportunities abounding in the digital economy to the multitudes of Africans across the continent.
With the vision of empowering millions of Africans through education, BCAT Africa is poised to give Africans across the Continent knowledge of the digital economy. To help people to know the numerous opportunities the internet offers, unlock innate potentials, and empower them to take advantage of the resources, tools, and opportunities the digital economy offers.
Might introduce Bob Mobile
Bob Mobile is a d'App providing a crypto payment service. It allows people to buy and sell cryptocurrency within 90 seconds using debit cards, credit cards and several other major payment methods. Bob Mobile is a payments service for cryptocurrencies. What sets it apart from other payment services is that users can use fiat currency and even cash deposits to complete crypto transactions. A transaction at Bob Mobile will be settled within 90 seconds from start to the blockchain.
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