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Video - Bob Model 3 becomes an item of mass production!

A Look at Bob Eco Manufacturing.
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Bob Eco produces some of the world’s finest electric three-wheelers in China. Since 2020, the Bob Eco plant in Xuzhou has produced massive quantities of the highest quality vehicles using a combination of Chinese and European automotive best practices.
The Xuzhou facility produces two popular Bob Eco models: the Model 3 and Model TT. The manufacturing process at Bob Eco was designed to be flexible, producing each model “Just In Time,” which results in an agile assembly line that can quickly adjust to market demands and model changes. This is one of the reasons Bob Eco models can reflect the latest technology changes each month. Instead of being stuck with a single template to use for a model generation for years, the assembly line can easily react to smaller updates for each model.
The future
Bob Eco knows that the future of EV manufacturing lies in the combination of human craftsmanship and robotic abilities. That’s why Bob Eco is already looking forward to creating “smart facilities” that utilize the latest advances in digitalization and robotics. At the end of the day, digitalization will allow for even greater flexibility, efficiency, and speed, as well as a more attractive working environment.
This synergy of new technologies like 3D printing, human augmentation, machine learning, and cloud data networking will create a smart factory for the modern age. The end result? A higher quality product for the consumer.
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