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Avoiding scams | The Copycat-Bobcoin admin.

Almost everyone in our community has experienced the copycat-Bobcoin (BOBC) admin scam. This is a scam that happens in all groups and is not solely focused on Bob coin, so this applies to all communities you’re part of, not only BOBC.
How do fake admins work?
To help you protect against the more experienced fake-admins, you need to know that they can target you after you ask a question or request support in a public group. In our case one of the public Bobcoin groups. Elusive scammers will then message you. They will pretend to be an admin, team member, administrator, or support staff member of the group. They usually be very helpful offer some sort of help - which usually leads to them asking for the target's private keys, seed phrase, or request you log into a platform designed to provide these details.
When checking their profile, they will likely be almost identical to a real Bob Eco | Bobcoin admin in the official Bobcoin group. However, they will either have a username trying to copy the original (for example @B0b_Ultee instead of @Bob_Ultee) or have no username at all.
There are many crafty people on Telegram and there will always be, so knowing how to deal with them is crucial!
How to stay safe?
Bobcoin admins will never approach you directly, even if you ask a question. You will be asked to message the admin yourself, this way you know for sure that the admin you are talking to is the real admin and not a fake account.
Unfortunately, fake administrators will generally look for inexperienced, However, if you suspect you have been contacted by a fake admin, copy their username (it shouldn't be in the bio section of their profile) and search the group for posts from this user. If nothing shows up, it is definitely a fake admin.
The BOBC admins in the group chats are always ready to help! If you suspect that someone is trying to fool you, immediately ask if this person is a scammer. This also helps other community members to stay aware.
In any case, never give out your private key, seed phrase, or other personal information through a DM or any other medium. Anyone who directly or indirectly asks for this will almost certainly want to scam you.
Never transfer Bobcoins (BOBC), or other crypto currencies to admins, once sent it is gone and cannot be retrieved.
Never log in to applications that are sent that require you to log in with your decentralized wallet, this will give an untrustworthy website access to your account.
If you suspect you are dealing with a scammer, always report them! This will block the account and make it more difficult for them to scam other community members. They can create other accounts, but at least you made it a little more difficult for them
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