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We invest in people - Aksam vends bananas on a Bob electric bike.

It is a bright weekday in Jinja and Aksam has just packed his motorcycle at Jinja Farmers Market. Aksam is carrying about 300 bananas on his Bob electric motorcycle.
Aksam is a fruit trader from Bugaya, in Jinja District. He started vending bananas in 2020 after Bob Eco gave him an electric motorcycle lease and Bob advised Aksam to start this lucrative business venture.
He started with USh 120,000 but after months of building trust with banana farmers, he started securing bananas on credit worth up to USh 500,000.
“I would get bananas from Jinja Farmers Market and sell them in Jinja Town. I started going for weekly markets to sell bananas. My capital expanded to USh 1,500,000. I make profits of USh 140,000 every week,” he recounts.
Securing a motorcycle
One day in 2018, I asked one of my friends to teach me how to ride a motorcycle. I was asked to pay USh 20,000 for every two hours until I mastered riding. But my dream was to buy my own motorcycle.”
One day, he heard friends talk, Aksam heard an announcement that Bob Eco was offering boda-boda loans. He did research about Bob Eco and proceeded to open an account. It took him about two weeks to secure a lease and that is how he bought his electric motorcycle. Bob Eco gave Aksam a lease and with that lease a future.
“I was happy to undertake riding lessons from Bob Eco. After a month of learning how to ride a electric motorcycle, I was ready to hit the road,” he says.
Aksam has achieved financial independence. He is able to provide for his family needs and live a better life. His children are able to go to school. Out of his business, Aksam has been able to lease a second electric motorcycle. He has also bought land which he uses for producing food for his family.
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