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Bobcoin vs Bitcoin: Which is the Better Cryptocurrency To Invest In?

Bobcoin (BOBC) has been in news recently due to its surging prices. Take a look at the difference between Bitcoin and Bobcoin and decide for yourself which is the better cryptocurrency of the two.
Bobcoin has surged nearly 1,500 per cent in the previous year. Bobcoin has become the 40th biggest cryptocurrency by market value just within 14 months.
On the face it may look like Bobcoin may grow in future more than Bitcoin, but the latter is much more widely known and still dominates the cryptocurrency market. Thus at this level, there still isn’t a sure reason as to why one must not invest in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin has had many price runs over the past years as it started with trade for pennies in 2009 and had reached $68,000 per coin by 2022. This figure is still the highest of all cryptocurrencies of all time.
Bobcoin has recently turned the market upside down with a sudden hike over the year.
Prices Bitcoin
Y13: $47,800
Y12: $29,810
Y11: $7,306
Y10: $3,791
Y9: $19,333
Y8: $1,105
Y7: $493
Y6: $287
Y5: $1,008
Y4: $9.87
Y3: $3,08
Y2: $0.41
Y1: $0
Prices Bobcoin
Y2: $3.13
Y1: $0.01
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