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Learn and win! - Get around 50% on your investment.

Many other crypto companies or organisations often require the community to pay for courses or additional training. At Bob Eco we do not believe in this. We believe that doing the right thing is of crucial importance; therefore everyone within the Bob community should always have free options to tap into new opportunities, learn new things and gain new knowledge so that we as the community will become more united, active, and more aware of everything Bob Eco is doing!
As a first step, we want to show the community that they can add liquidity independently and make a decent return.
Earn Cash directly on your investment!
There are a lot of opportunities to earn money by depositing crypto, staking is one of these options, but this leaves you without any control over the cryptocurrency you’ve staked.
A great wat to retain control over your investment and also get around 50% on your investment is by providing liquidity on decentralised exchanges.
Bobcoin has been actively focussed on developing the communities using decentralised exchanges for trading. These exchanges allow users to trade Bobcoins with eachother without the necessity of an exchange. You can use you your coinbase wallet to login to any DEX, deposit liquidity and start earning money on your liquidity.
Bobcoin is already listed on all big dexes, these are the biggest and best dexes:
- Uniswap (BOBC/WETH) on Ethereum
- Pancakeswap (BOBC/WBNB) on Binance Smart Chain
- Sushiswap (BOBC/WETH) on Ethereum
- Sushiswap (BOBC/WBNB) on Binance Smart Chain
It is important for Bobcoin to get high levels of liquidity on the DEXes, therefore you don’t only earn a great buck, you also show great support to the Bobcoin community by depositing liquidity!
Read here how to add liquidity to the DEXes and start earning money today.
Everyone that is able to sucesfully add liquidity to the pool will get 15 USD worth Bobcoin (BEP20) rewarded.
In order to claim your rewards send the moderators on Telegram your add liquidity TX number, and the username of the coinbase account that was used to create this TX.
Add liquidity TX: 0x529054cabbcfbac81f86ffdf7c97bedeb4556bd7c13ab5c7bc1bdae71989d178
Coinbase Username: @bobeco
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